Nested Blocks

Nested Blocks are blocks that render more blocks 🤯. This can be helpful if you're creating a page builder experience. You may have layout level blocks, and then within a single layout block you will have more blocks for editors to add / manage.

One example could be a gallery block. The gallery may be a part of a top-level group of blocks that render other parts of the page, but this gallery block also renders a group of image blocks.

The ability to configure nested blocks is incredibly flexible. But it's also important to keep control of the user experience and limit complexity.

Make a FeatureList Block

The last block we are going to add is a Features List. The FeatureList block will render another set of InlineBlocksnested blocks.

Create a new file, components/FeatureList.js, add the following code:


import React from 'react'
import { BlocksControls, InlineBlocks } from 'react-tinacms-inline'
import '../styles/features.css'

 * 1. Define the Block Component
function FeatureList({ index }) {
  return (
    <BlocksControls index={index} focusRing={{ offset: 0 }} insetControls>
      <div className="wrapper">
        <InlineBlocks name="features" blocks={FEATURE_BLOCKS} />

 * 2. Define the FeatureList Block
export const featureListBlock = {
  Component: FeatureList,
  template: {
    label: 'Feature List',
    defaultItem: {
      _template: 'features',
      features: [
          _template: 'feature',
          heading: 'heading 1',
          supporting_copy: 'supporting copy',
          _template: 'feature',
          heading: 'heading 2',
          supporting_copy: 'supporting copy',
          _template: 'feature',
          heading: 'heading 3',
          supporting_copy: 'supporting copy',
    fields: [],

 * 3. Define the block options
 * for FeatureList to render, we will add
 * a block to this next

Make a Feature Block

Next, we'll create the Feature block component & template. Create a new file, components/Feature.js, and add the following code:


import React from 'react'
import { BlocksControls, InlineTextarea } from 'react-tinacms-inline'
import '../styles/features.css'

function Feature({ index }) {
  return (
    <BlocksControls index={index}>
      <div className="feature">
          <InlineTextarea name="heading" focusRing={false} />
          <InlineTextarea name="supporting_copy" focusRing={false} />

export const featureBlock = {
  Component: Feature,
  template: {
    label: 'Feature',
    defaultItem: {
      _template: 'feature',
      heading: 'Marie Skłodowska Curie',
        'Rich in mystery muse about vastness is bearable only through love Ut enim ad minima veniam at the edge of forever are creatures of the cosmos. ',
    fields: [],

Add the Feature to FeatureList

Now that we make our Feature block, we need to add that to the FEATURE_BLOCKS options in FeatureList.


import React from 'react';
import { BlocksControls, InlineBlocks } from 'react-tinacms-inline';
import '../styles/features.css';
+import { featureBlock } from './Feature';

function FeatureList({ index }) {

export const featureListBlock = {

-const FEATURE_BLOCKS = {}
+  feature: featureBlock,

Add FeatureList to Home page blocks

Finally, we'll add the FeatureList block to the Home page block options.

Head to Home.js and add this code:


// Other imports...
+ import { featureListBlock } from './components/FeatureList'

export default function Home() {

const HOME_BLOCKS = {
  hero: heroBlock
  images: imagesBlock,
  paragraph: paragraphBlock,
+ features: featureListBlock,

So our nested blocks are wired up! The FeatureList block renders another set of Feature blocks. To take this further, you could add another block option for FeatureList.

There's no limit to the amount of nesting you can do. That said, we recommend keeping it less than three levels deep to minimize confusion.

Although it works, the layout styles for this block could be improved — let's do that next.