
A Gatsby/Tina plugin for editing JSON files stored in git.


yarn add gatsby-plugin-tinacms gatsby-tinacms-git gatsby-tinacms-json


Include gatsby-plugin-tinacms, gatsby-tinacms-git, and gatsby-tinacms-json in your config:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-tinacms',
      options: {
        plugins: ['gatsby-tinacms-git', 'gatsby-tinacms-json'],

Creating JSON Forms

There are two approaches to registering JSON forms with Tina. The approach you choose depends on whether the React template is a class or function.

  1. useJsonForm: A Hook used when the template is a function.
  2. JsonForm: A Render Props component to use when the template is a class component.

Note: required query data

In order for the JSON forms to work, you must include the following fields in your dataJson graphql query:

  • rawJson
  • fileRelativePath

An example dataQuery in your template might look like this:

query DataQuery($slug: String!) {
  dataJson(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {


Additionally, any fields that are not queried will be deleted when saving content via the CMS.


This is a React Hook for creating Json Forms. This is the recommended approach if your template is a Function Component.

In order to use a form you must register it with the CMS. There are two main approaches to register forms in Tina: page forms and screen plugins. Please refer to the form concepts doc to get clarity on the differences.


useJsonForm(data): [values, form]


  • data: The data returned from a Gatsby dataJson query.


  • [values, form]
    • values: The current values to be displayed. This has the same shape as the data argument.
    • form: A reference to the CMS Form object. The form is rarely needed in the template.



import { usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { useJsonForm } from 'gatsby-tinacms-json'

function BlogPostTemplate(props) {
  // Create the form
  const [data, form] = useJsonForm(

  // Register it with the CMS

  return <h1>{data.firstName}</h1>


JsonForm is a Render Props based component for accessing CMS Forms.

This Component is a thin wrapper of useJsonForm and usePlugin. Since React Hooks are only available within Function Components you will need to use JsonForm if your template is Class Component.


  • data: The data returned from a Gatsby dataJson query.
  • render({ data, form }): JSX.Element: A function that returns JSX elements
    • data: The current values to be displayed. This has the same shape as the data in the Json prop.
    • form: A reference to the CMS Form object. The form is rarely needed in the template.


import { JsonForm } from 'gatsby-tinacms-json'

class DataTemplate extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        render={({ data }) => {
          return <h1>{data.firstName}</h1>

Content Creator

JsonCreatorPlugin: contstructs a content-creator plugin for JSON files.

interface JsonCreatorPlugin {
  label: string
  fields: Field[]
  filename(form: any): Promise<string>
  data?(form: any): Promise<any>


import { JsonCreatorPlugin } from 'gatsby-tinacms-json'

const CreatePostPlugin = new JsonCreatorPlugin({
  label: 'New JSON File',
  filename: form => {
    return form.filename
  fields: [
      name: 'filename',
      component: 'text',
      label: 'Filename',
      placeholder: 'content/data/puppies.json',
        'The full path to the new Markdown file, relative to the repository root.',

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