
This package provides helpers for managing the GitHub auth token for requests, as well as providing helpers for loading content from the Github API.


yarn add next-tinacms-github

Any functions in the pages/api directory are mapped to /api/* endpoints. The below helpers tend to be added to the pages/api directory in a Next.js project.


Helper for creating a authHandler server function.


import { createAuthHandler } from 'next-tinacms-github'

export default createAuthHandler(

See Next's documentation for adding environment variables

See here for instructions on creating a Github OAuth App to generate these Client ID & Client Secret variables and setting up the Signing Key.


Proxies requests to GitHub, attaching the GitHub access token in the process.


import { apiProxy } from 'next-tinacms-github'

export default apiProxy(process.env.SIGNING_KEY)


Handles setting the the Nextjs preview data from your cookie data.


import { previewHandler } from 'next-tinacms-github'

export default previewHandler(process.env.SIGNING_KEY)

Loading content from Github

The preview data, which gets set by calling your preview function, will be accessible through getStaticProps throughout your app.

Below is an example of the conditional data fetching, from the local environment or Working GitHub Repository based on the preview environment:


import {
} from 'next-tinacms-github'

// ...

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async function({
}) {
  if (preview) {
    return getGithubPreviewProps({
      fileRelativePath: 'src/content/home.json',
      parse: parseMarkdown
  return {
    props: {
      error: null,
      file: {
        fileRelativePath: 'src/content/home.json',
        data: (await import('../content/home.json')).default,


The getGithubPreviewProps function accepts this preview data:

interface PreviewData<Data> {
  github_access_token: string
  working_repo_full_name: string
  head_branch: string
  fileRelativePath: string
  parse(content: string): Data

It then fetches the content from the Working GitHub Repository and returns a props object with this shape:

return {
  props: {
    repoFullName: workingRepoFullName,
    branch: headBranch,
    preview: true,


In some cases you'll need to load multiple files from Github. For this reason the underlying getGithubFile function is exposed, which uses the same interface as getGithubPreviewProps.

import {
} from 'next-tinacms-github'

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async function({
}) {
  const githubOptions = {
    working_repo_full_name: previewData?.working_repo_full_name || '',
    head_branch: previewData?.head_branch || 'master',
    github_access_token: previewData?.github_access_token || '',

  const homeFile = await getGithubFile({
    fileRelativePath: "content/
    parse: parseMarkdown

  const navigationFile = await getGithubFile({
    fileRelativePath: "data/navigation.json
    parse: parseJson

  return {

Parsing Data

next-tinacms-github provides two content parsing options available, for Markdown — parseMarkdown or JSON — parseJson. Or you could pass in a custom parser.


next-tinacms-github includes a media store for managing media files with GitHub. Based on GithubMediaStore, it includes logic for serving uploads from the public/ directory.

This media store is initialized similar to GithubMediaStore:

import { TinaCMS } from 'tinacms'
import { GithubClient } from 'react-tinacms-github'
import { NextGithubMediaStore } from 'next-tinacms-github'

const githubClient = new GithubClient({
  proxy: '/api/proxy-github',
  authCallbackRoute: '/api/create-github-access-token'
  clientId: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
  baseRepoFullName: process.env.REPO_FULL_NAME

const mediaStore = new NextGithubMediaStore(githubClient)

const cms = new TinaCMS({
  apis: {
    github: githubClient // equivalent to cms.registerApi('github', githubClient)
  media: mediaStore


NextGithubMediaStore handles previewSrc so you shouldn't need to set this on individual image fields. However, if you do need to override previewSrc for a specific field, you need to get the full url to the source GitHub repository. The return value should connect to an actual path in a GitHub repo where the image is hosted.

// Exmaple image field config
const formOptions = {
  fields: [
      label: 'Hero Image',
      name: 'frontmatter.hero_image',
      component: 'image',
      parse: media => `/${media.filename}`,
      uploadDir: () => '/public/',
      previewSrc: fieldValue => {
        const githubClient = useGithubClient()

        return githubClient.getDownloadUrl(path.join('public', fieldValue))

The reason why the full GitHub url needs to be provided is that new images are uploaded to the repository on a particular branch. If you are working locally, this can be a bit confusing because the path saved to the source file will be different than this previewSrc url. Remember when developing locally with this package that previewSrc urls are connecting to GitHub repository and not your local file paths.

You still need to set uploadDir to 'public' if you want the media manager to open directly from that folder, otherwise it will open from and upload to the repository root.

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