
This package provides a WYSIWYM Editor for HTML and Markdown. This editor can be used as a Field Plugin or as an Inline Field in websites built with TinaCMS.

Note: The react-tinacms-editor package is quite large. Whether you're using the Field Plugin or the Inline Field it is recommended that you use dynamic imports to reduce your JS bundle size.


yarn add react-tinacms-editor

Field Plugins

This package provides two field plugins for TinaCMS: MarkdownFieldPlugin and HtmlFieldPlugin.

Registering the Plugins

This is the simplest approach to registering plugins:

import { MarkdownFieldPlugin, HtmlFieldPlugin } from 'react-tinacms-editor'


The react-tinacms-editor is a large package so it is recommended that load the plugins dynamicallyj:

  ({ MarkdownFieldPlugin, HtmlFieldPlugin }) => {

Field Plugin Options

interface Config {
  component: 'markdown' | 'html'
  name: string
  label?: string
  description?: string
componentThe name of the plugin component. Either 'markdown' or 'html'.
nameThe path to some value in the data being edited.
labelA human readable label for the field. Defaults to the name. (Optional)
descriptionDescription that expands on the purpose of the field or prompts a specific action. (Optional)

Example: Using Field Plugins in Forms

Once registered you will be able to use the plugins in your Forms:

const formConfig = {
  fields: [
      name: "description",
      label: "Description",
      component: "html",
      name: "body",
      label: "Blog Body",
      component: "markdown",

These will both show up in your sidebar looking roughly like this:



The InlineWysiwyg is a React inline editing component for Markdown and HTML.

InlineWysiwyg Interface

interface InlineWysiwygProps {
  name: string
  children: any
  sticky?: boolean | string
  format?: 'markdown' | 'html'
  imageProps?: ImageProps
  focusRing?: boolean | FocusRingProps

interface ImageProps {
  parse(media: Media): string
  uploadDir?(form: Form): string
  upload?: (files: File[]) => Promise<string[]>
  previewSrc?: (url: string) => string | Promise<string>

interface FocusRingProps {
  offset?: number | { x: number; y: number }
  borderRadius?: number
nameThe path to some value in the data being edited.
childrenChild components to render.
sticky?A boolean determining whether the Wysiwyg Toolbar 'sticks' to the top of the page on scroll.
format?This value denotes whether Markdown or HTML will be rendered.
imageProps?An object that configures how images in the Wysiwyg are uploaded and rendered. Images are disabled when undefined.
focusRing?Either an object to style the focus ring or a boolean to show/hide the focus ring. Defaults to true which displays the focus ring with default styles. For style options, offset (in pixels) sets the distance from the ring to the edge of the component, and borderRadius (in pixels) controls the rounded corners of the focus ring.

Basic Usage

Below is an example of how an InlineWysiwyg field could be defined in an Inline Form.

import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
import { useForm, usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { InlineForm } from 'react-tinacms-inline'
import { InlineWysiwyg } from 'react-tinacms-editor'

// Example 'Page' Component
export function Page(props) {
  const [data, form] = useForm(
  return (
    <InlineForm form={form}>
      <InlineWysiwyg name="markdownBody" format="markdown">
        <ReactMarkdown source={data.markdownBody} />

With imageProps

To upload and manage images in the Wysiwyg, you'll need to configure imageProps.

parseDefines how the actual front matter or data value gets populated on upload. The media object gets passed as an argument. Defaults to filename.
uploadDir?Defines the upload directory. This function is passed the current form values.
upload?An asynchronous function that handles image upload. By default, this calls the persist function on the media store.
previewSrc?An asynchronous function that returns the path or url for the image src in preview or edit mode. By default, this calls the previewSrc function on the media store_.
    parse: (media) => `images/about/${media.filename}`
    uploadDir: () => 'public/images/about/',

When editing long content it is likely that the editor will scroll past the wysiwyg menu.

By adding the sticky property the menu will follow the user as they scroll through the page.

<InlineWysiwyg name="markdownBody" format="markdown" sticky>
  <ReactMarkdown source={data.markdownBody} />

Alternatively you can pass a string to set the exact offset of the menu.

<InlineWysiwyg name="markdownBody" format="markdown" sticky="2rem">
  <ReactMarkdown source={data.markdownBody} />

If you're using Tina's toolbar, you can pass 'var(--tina-toolbar-height)' to ensure the toolbar does not cover the WYSIWYG menu.

<InlineWysiwyg name="markdownBody" format="markdown" sticky="var(--tina-toolbar-height)">
  <ReactMarkdown source={data.markdownBody} />

Dynamic Imports

The react-tinacms-editor is a large package so it is recommended that you make sure it's only being loaded when necessary. The example below will make sure that the editor is only loaded if the CMS is actually enabled, saving the visistors to your website from the extra load time.


import React from 'react'
import { useCMS } from 'tinacms'

export function InlineWysiwyg(props) {
  const cms = useCMS()
  const [{ InlineWysiwyg }, setEditor] = React.useState({})

  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (!InlineWysiwyg && cms.enabled) {
    return () => (InlineWysiwyg ? setEditor(null) : null)
  }, [cms.enabled])

  if (InlineWysiwyg) {
    return (
      <InlineWysiwyg {...props}/>

  return props.children

Why do I have to load the editor dynamically myself?

Code splitting and dynamic imports are handled by the website's JavaScript bundlers (e.g. rollup, webpack, etc.). Since the package does not load itself into the application, it is unfortunately not possible to provide this behaviour in the package itself.


For a deeper understanding of the Wysiwyg editor and inner-workings of the react-tinacms-editor package, checkout the contributor documentation

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