Adding API functions

We need a few API functions to handle GitHub authorization and Preview Mode. With Next.js, any functions in the pages/api directory are mapped to /api/* endpoints. Files in this directory are treated as API endpoints instead of pages.

If you see a 'dummy' hello.js file in the pages/api directory, feel free to delete it.

We'll add some files in this directory to connect the API helpers to our project. Using the code generator Hygen, we've created a few scripts to help generate the required files for this step. From the terminal, run:

npx hygen-add
npx hygen next-tinacms-github bootstrap --format ts

Note: if your pages directory is not in the root, you will need to supply a --dir [subDir] option for this last script.

# Example setting sub directory option
npx hygen next-tinacms-github bootstrap --format ts --dir src

You should see a new _templates directory has been created and a few API files have been set up in pages/api:

  • preview.ts: Contains an API function to enter Preview Mode and set up preview data.
  • reset-preview.ts: Contains an API function to exit Preview Mode.
  • proxy-github.ts: Proxies requests to the GitHub API, attaching the user's OAuth token to the request.
  • create-github-access-token.ts: Creates a function to handle authorization with the GitHub OAuth API.

After these files are created, you can delete the _templates folder.

If you prefer to manually add these files, feel free to reference the final output from pages/api in the repository.