
The Events feature allows decoupled parts of the CMS to:

  1. Notify the rest of the system that something has happened, and
  2. React to things that happen elsewhere in the system.


interface Events {
  dispatch(event: Event): void
  subscribe(eventType: string, listener: Listener): Unsubscribe

interface Event {
  type: string
  // Any other data may be added to the event.
  [key: string]: any

type Listener = (event: Event) => void

type Unsubscribe = () => void


Dispatching Events{
  type: 'something-happened',

Subscribing to Events

The function can be used to start listening for certain events., event => {
  // ...

The EVENT_NAME is a string that matches a pattern for the event name.

Checkout the tests for specific examples of how the matching happens.

Log all Events'*', event => {

Log when a Form Plugin is added"plugins:add:form", (event) => {
  console.log(`Added a Form called "${}"`

Log all Form Events'plugins:*:form', event => {
  console.log(`Something happened to the form plugins`)

Log all Plugin Events'plugins', event => {
  console.log(`Something happened to the plugins`)

Note that the string pluginsis equivalent to plugins:* or plugins:*:*.

Existing Events


cms:enableThe CMS has been enabled.
cms:disableThe CMS has been disabled
sidebar:openedThe Sidebar has been opened
sidebar:closedThe Sidebar has been closed.
plugin:add:{__type}A Plugin of a given __type has been added.
plugin:remove:{__type}A Plugin of a given __type has been removed.
media:upload:startA media file upload has begun.
media:upload:successA media file was successfully uploaded.
media:upload:failureA media file upload failed.
media:list:startA call to list available media items has been made.
media:list:successThe call to list media items was successful.
media:list:failureThe call to list media items failed.
media:delete:startA media file is attempting to be deleted.
media:delete:successA media file was successfully deleted.
media:delete:failureThe attempt to delete a media file failed.
media:previewSrc:startA previewSrc is being generated for a media file.
media:previewSrc:successThe call to previewSrc successfully returned a url.
media:previewSrc:failureA previewSrc failed to be generated.


Event NameDecription
github:errorAn error has occurred when making requests to the GitHub API.
github:branch:checkoutThe current branch has been switched.
github:branch:createA new branch has been created.


Event NameDecription
git:commitA commit has been attempted.

Below is an example of how you might subscribe to the git:commit event in your App. The event passed to the callback function is a Fetch Response; you can parse the status of the commit from this to trigger various alerts or functions.


React.useEffect(() => {'git:commit', function handleCommitAlerts(event) {
    if (!event.response.ok) {
      cms.alerts.error("Something went wrong! Changes weren't saved")
    } else {'Content saved successfully!')
}, [])