Inline Editing

Inline Editing in Tina refers to editing values directly in the area they appear on the page, instead of in the Tina sidebar. These are the general steps to set up inline editing:

  1. Configure InlineForm
  2. Add Inline Fields

Play around with this simple demo to get a feel for Inline Editing. Get familiar with the Inline Editing API in this step-by-step guide.

Adding Inline Editing with InlineForm

The InlineForm and InlineField components can be used to set up inline editing in your layout. InlineForm receives the form object created via one of the form hooks in order to provide it to the inline editing context.

InlineForm should wrap the page or component where you want to add inline editing, turning the page into the form itself. Below is an example of adding InlineForm to a page component:

import * as React from React
import { useForm, usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
+import { InlineForm } from 'react-tinacms-inline'

export function Page(props) {
  const [modifiedValues, form] = useForm(


  return (
+   <InlineForm form={form}>
+   </InlineForm>

The Inline Form alone won't change any behavior. To edit on the page, you'll need to add Inline Fields.

Using Pre-configured Inline Fields

The react-tinacms-inline package provides a set of pre-configured Inline Fields that should work for many use cases. These fields provide basic input elements and handle the rendering logic between edit and preview mode.

Let's add some Inline Fields using the previous example:

import * as React from React
import { useForm, usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
+import { InlineForm, InlineText } from 'react-tinacms-inline'

export function Page(props) {
  const [modifiedValues, form] = useForm(


  return (
    <InlineForm form={form}>
-       <h1>{modifiedValues.title}</h1>
+       <h1>
+         <InlineText name="title" />
+       </h1>

All Inline Fields expect a name prop, as with regular Tina Fields, the value should be the path to the data being edited by that field. Refer to individual inline field docs to see their specific properties.

Check out the final-form docs for a more detailed look at how the name field works.

All Inline Fields

Currently, these supported Inline Fields available:

Creating Custom Inline Fields

There may be cases where you want to create your own Inline Fields. The InlineField component allows you to create a custom Inline Field. This is helpful when you need precise control over rendering or input functionality.

First, make sure your component is wrapped in an InlineForm. You can then add InlineField components, a render props-based component that allows you to conditionally display an editing interface (when in edit mode) or the page as it will appear in production.

The rough idea is like this:

<InlineForm form={formObject}>
  <InlineField name="path-to-data">
    {({ input }) => {
      if (cms.enabled) {
        // we're in editing mode, show an editable interface
      } else {
        // we're not in editing mode, show the production layout

Below is an example of the Page component used in previous examples, but refactored to define its own custom Inline Fields:

import * as React from React
// import `useCMS`
import { useForm, useCMS, usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { InlineForm, InlineField } from 'react-tinacms-inline'

export function Page(props) {
  // Access the CMS object
  const cms = useCMS()

  const [, form] = useForm(


  return (
    <InlineForm form={form}>
      * Use `InlineField` and the render props
      * pattern to create custom field inputs
      * that render when the cms is enabled
        <InlineField name="title">
          {({ input }) => {
            if (cms.enabled) {
              return <input type="text" {...input} />
            return <h1>{input.value}</h1>

InlineField uses render props to pass the form state and other props to its children. Based on cms.enabled, you can conditionally render editing inputs or the original element / value.

If you have an idea for an Inline Field plugin, consider contributing! Make an issue with your suggestion or reach out on the forum for support.

Extending Inline Field Styles

Via Styled-Components

The Inline Fields are meant to have minimal styles. But there may be situations where you'll want to override the base styles. This is made possible via Styled Components.

// An example `InlineText` with Extended Styles
export function Page(props) {
  const [, form] = useForm(


  return (
    <InlineForm form={form}>
        <StyledText name="title" />

// Extended InlineText styled component
const StyledText = styled(InlineText)`
  color: green;

Notice how the new component, StyledText is just a styled version of InlineText.

Via Class Name

You can also extend styles by assigning a className to the Inline Field.

    // In an Inline Form
      uploadDir={() => '/public/images/'}
      parse={media =>}

    // Style via className in css
    .inline-img {
      background-color: pink;

Fields Available to Extend Styles

Additional Reading

Last Edited: November 27, 2020